“Introduction to Greenhouse Environmental Control for Crop Production”
“Introduction to Greenhouse Environmental Control for Crop Production”

“Introduction to Greenhouse Environmental Control for Crop Production”


JANUARY 4 - MARCH 28, 2024



🗓️ January 4 - March 28, 2024

🕖 Participating two live online lectures every Thursday from 6:00 – 8:00 PM Eastern US Time, or taking the recorded lectures

“Introduction to Greenhouse Environmental Control for Crop Production” is a 13-week certificate course designed and offered by ADVANCEA.

The course will provide students with foundational information about the essentials of greenhouse environment control for a variety of commonly-grown crops.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course will provide a strong understanding of greenhouse environment control to those who are already employed in the industry, or those enrolled in an academic program with desire to learn about environmental controls in greenhouse systems.

The course is designed to be equivalent to an upper-level college course and requires entry-level understanding of modern greenhouse production systems.

What You Will Learn

In this course, you will

  • Review greenhouse crop production systems and management strategies
  • Be able to describe why and how important environmental parameters are controlled using sensors and control systems
  • Gain sufficient insight in the basics of energy and mass transfer to understand the key plant-environment interactions in greenhouses
  • Learn the basics of sensors and control logic to optimize greenhouse conditions
  • Become familiar with recent developments in greenhouse control strategies

🗓️ ADVANCEA Academy Schedule

Please click the link below to view the schedule

📄 ADVANCEA Academy 2023 Course Schedule PDF

Course Delivery Method

  • Live lectures are scheduled weekly (two lectures per week). All lectures will be recorded for those students who wish to take this course based on recorded lectures.
  • Course content management system (D2L Community) will be used.

Learning Materials for Students Access

  • Individual login to course site (D2L Community)
  • Lecture recordings
  • A PDF file of slides used for each lecture
  • 10-12 quizzes for knowledge check for each lecture
  • Additional links for reading materials or digital contents/tools


  • A certificate of completion will be granted to students who complete the course.
  • Lecture specific quizzes will be used to assess the completion of course.

Course instructors include researchers from the U.S. and the Netherlands (Delphy):

  • A.J. Both, Rutgers University
  • Murat Kacira, University of Arizona
  • Chieri Kubota, Ohio State University
  • Peter Ling, Ohio State University
  • Guil Signorini, Ohio State University
  • Ken Tran, Koidra Inc.
  • Fengqi You, Cornell University
  • Laura Bautista, Delphy
  • Stijn Jochems, Delphy
  • Bas Oudshoorn, Delphy
  • Max van den Hemel, Delphy
  • Niels van der Geest, Delphy

For questions about this course, please email Dr. Chieri Kubota: kubota.10@osu.edu